Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve:
- Former Pickering Mayor, Dave Ryan's letters to Queen's Park - 2019 and 2022
- Current Pickering Mayor, Kevin Ashe's letter to Queen's Park - 2022 (see below for the relevant excerpt from transcript)
Hon. Steve Clark: In regard to the DRAP, I have a letter here from Mayor Kevin Ashe from the city of Pickering, dated November 16, which, I think, will address the member’s question. It says:
Subject: City of Pickering, Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, file A-1000-100
"Dear Minister Clark,
You recently received a letter from Mayor Ryan requesting the repeal of the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, in the city of Pickering. As the newly elected mayor of the city, I would like to support this request."
​- Letter to Government of Ontario from Parks Canada, November 29, 2022
- Submission to Auditor General regarding DRAP in context of Envision Durham OPR, February 23, 2023
Carruthers Headwaters
Envision Durham - Municipal Comprehensive Review
Stop Sprawl Durham's submission to Envision Durham Phase 2 regarding proposed Settlement Area Boundary Expansions - January 18, 2023
Stop Sprawl Durham's feedback on the DRAFT Official Plan for Durham Region - April 3, 2023
Durham Regional Councillors
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